L2D Resources in Media Literacy

Learning modules

Check your learnings

Access the assessment questionnaire to self-evaluate your knowledge.

Module 1 Part A:

Module 1 Part B:

Module 2:

Module 3:

Module 4:

Module 5:

Module 6:

Module 7:

Module 8:

Downloadable Training Materials

COURSE 1: Social Education
COURSE 2: Digital skills, Introduction to DIGCOMP
COURSE 3: Safe online use
COURSE 4: The dark side of Internet for young people
COURSE 5: A guide to obtain accurate information on the Internet
COURSE 6: Young digital detox
Entorno de las redes sociales
COURSE 7: Social Media Environment
COURSE 8: Digital Wellbeing

Activity book for youth workers

This book includes a set of workshops for implementation in activities with young people, related to the training modules in media education.

Through this learning, youth workers can raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities young people face online, as well as explore strategies to participate in digital life and empower them to use technology responsibly.

Video summaries of the Modules

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